Centennial Science Department


Science Resources

Here you will find everything you need to be successful in any of the science courses here at Centennial! This website provides a large variety of resources, such as videos, blogs, tutorials, guides and inforgraphics to help explain and expand your knowledge in any of the areas of study: Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Biology, etc. Each of these lessons and blogs are written by students who have excelled in those courses using a detailed course guideline provided by your teachers and are carefully reviewed afterwards for accuracy. Please feel free to ask any questions or leave comments below the blogs and we will do our best to answer them!


Science 9/10


Science 9

The Science 9 course introduces students to individual and group discovery in a laboratory setting. This course is activity based with an emphasis on four areas of scientific discovery.

Science 10

The Science 10 course encourages students to work together in a laboratory setting to safely investigate a variety of topics in the four major science areas. There will be four big ideas that will be investigated.


Science 11/12


Life Science 11

The first course in the secondary Biology program and is designed to introduce students to the diversity of living organisms and their adaptation to their environment. The major Kingdoms are studied, and topics covered include taxonomy, evolution, microbiology, plant biology, animal biology, mycology, and ecology.

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Anatomy and Physiology 12 is a fast-paced, specialized, academic course that covers two major areas of study: cell biology and human physiology. Physiology covers biological molecules, cell structure, cell membrane transport, DNA, protein synthesis, enzymatic activity, and homeostasis.

Chemistry 11

Chemistry 11 involves the study of atoms, molecules and matter, chemical reactions, solution chemistry, and organic chemistry. It introduces the concept of the mole, and how it applies to chemical reactions.

Chemistry 12

Chemistry 12 builds on experiences in Chemistry 11. Students must have a good understanding of the Mole Concept, Stoichiometry and Solution Chemistry taught in Chemistry 11.

Physics 11

This is the first course in the secondary school Physics program and is designed to introduce students to the study of Physics as a formal scientific discipline.

Physics 12

This is the second course in the secondary physics program and is designed to prepare students for further study of physical science at a post-secondary level.

Science for Citizens 11

Science for citizens looks at the practical applications of scientific principles and evaluating the positive and negative effects of technology on society and the environment.

Earth Science 11

This course explores the Earth and its place in the solar system and involves a hands-on approach to studying rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, the hydrosphere and surface processes, geological time, and astronomy.

Environmental Science 11

Microplastics, climate change, garbage in the ocean, air pollution. Environmental issues are becoming increasingly relevant to all our lives. At its foundation, the course will be an exploration of ecosystems extending from material introduced in Science 9.

Environmental Science 12

Environmental issues are becoming increasingly relevant to all our lives. Microplastics, climate change, garbage in the ocean, air pollution. At its foundation, the course will be an exploration of Human Impact extending from material introduced in Environmental Science 11.

AP Sciences

AP Biology 12

This course covers material equivalent to first year university biology. It is an excellent preview of university biology and will give students an advantage in post-secondary science programs.

AP Chemistry 12

This course covers material equivalent to first year university chemistry. It is an excellent preview of university chemistry and will give students an advantage in post-secondary science programs.
