A resume is a brief document which highlights an individual’s experience, qualifications, and skills, in the hopes of securing a job interview.
A good resume contains basic information about the applicant, organized in a way which is easy for the reader to comprehend. Clear contact information is usually at the top, followed by work experience, educational achievements, a list of skills, relevant certifications or awards, and contact information for references, though not necessarily in this order. The organization of a resume is a fine art, and it requires some work to create a strong resume. In some cases, people ask for professional help when assembling a resume.
In some cases, a resume is arranged strictly chronologically. In this instance, educational accomplishments will usually lead, followed by employment history. A chronological resume often includes all work experience, since gaps will be easier to spot. In other cases, a resume is organized by relevance, with blocks of similar information clumped together. A resume put together in this fashion usually features only relevant work experience for a position, so that potential employers do not have to slog through the applicant’s entire life history.
Please submit a resume to the Shared OneDrive folder that was sent to your SD43 email account by MONDAY SEPT 30th. This should be a recent revised draft of your resume. If you are in need of templates, there are many inside Microsoft WORD, as well as a few linked below. If you have any questions, please contact your teacher!
2 pages with references – HERE
1 page with references – HERE
1 page limited – HERE
Skill based resume – HERE
Skill based – HERE