A capstone project, also known as a culminating project or experience, or senior exhibition, amongst other terms, is a project that will allow you to demonstrate your learning using an area(s) of interest as the basis for the project. Ideally, this would be in an area you are passionate about and anticipate you will be pursuing after graduation. In the next few months you will design, assemble, and present a mini-capstone project to an audience to demonstrate personal learning and achievement (in and out-of-school), growth in the core competencies, and a reflection on the post-graduation plan.
You will get the opportunity to fulfill your desires by exploring an area of passion, curiosity and/or interest or by delving deeper into understanding who you are and where you’re headed. Make this project fun, make it engaging, but make it manageable. You only have a few months to complete it. There are 3 modules, each with due dates. To pass Graduation Transitions this year, you must complete all three. You will then receive an “RM” (requirements met) as your final notation, as well as 4 credits towards graduation. Right now you will start by brainstorming what your topic / focus will be on. Choose something you are passionate about or something that excites you and relates to your future (in some way), but you can be creative with this. In this, ask yourself: What is something I really want to do, or know, for myself?