My Digital Footprint

My digital footprint gives people the idea that I am a women in my twenties and like art. The lady that is online when you look up my name has brown hair and lives in Italy. When you look at my digital footprint it gives another name which spells my name wrong because that is the traditional spelling of my name.

My digital footprint shows that I like art. I don’t think this will ever affect me in the future because if you go onto the facebook profiles, it doesn’t stay or show anything bad.

Three things that you could do to keep your digital footprint safe is don’t post anything inappropriate yourself. Don’t give people any reason to post or share anything about you when you don’t realize it and don’t let people post things about your personality that isn’t true.

Something that I would tell other students is that you may be surprise what you find and if you add more information to your search sentence you have a better chance of seeing things of you or related to you.


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