Law Debates

About the Project

For this project I had write the conclusion and find a way to summarize the whole debate with out making it sound so repetitive and restate out original statement. I spoke for the main point of how vaccines could and have killed people and are they truly getting tested properly. I also did a bunch of research for my point and others in my group. Finally I read over the script and tried to final all the grammar mistakes to make it sound good and flow nicely.

Core Competency Reflection

I can work with others to achieve a goal: In this project I was able to work with the other members in my group to collectively achieve out main goal which was to show why we chose this side of the debate and how we think it is an important part to think about. I was able to make sure that everyone who wanted to be apart of the group and contribute to the debate had jobs to do and helped them complete it when they got stuck.

I can encourage others to share their voices and vale diverse perspectives: Throughout the project I tried to make sure everyone was included in our conversations and had a job to do and did it. When it came to the topic of religion, I was respectful of what I said as I didn’t want to offend anyone and understood where their opinions came from.

I can advocate for myself: When it came to picking topics to research about and learn, I made sure that I chose a topic that I was interested in and that my voice was heard. I also made sure that I wasn’t given all the responsibility for the group and only took on what I could handle.

I understand how my values shape my choices: I realized that what I value in life had a major impact on choosing this side of the debate and how I felt about the whole topic. I saw how that even though the whole group felt passionate about the topic we all approached it from different angles and shared why we thought of the topic in that certain way.

I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals: This is goal I want to work on because I find when I am given feedback sometimes I will completely restart the project or assignment or not understand the feedback properly so I don’t follow it. I am planning on working on this goal by when I am given feedback and I don’t understand it, to ask for clarification and not just agree without knowing fully what I am asked to do.

Curricular Competency Reflection

I was able make to make controversial decisions by keeping the facts simple and not using fancy words to confuse the listeners. Many people want a vaccine mandate so to go against it, I had to make sure that what I was saying had proof to back me up and interesting to keep people focused. I also chose to talk about topics that made our side of the debate easy to listen too and actually connected to what we were talking about and no just random facts to fill time.


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