Law – Roles in the Criminal Justice System

Roles Artifact

About the Activity

The Roles in the Canadian Criminal Justice System assignment was a partner assignment about researching specific jobs like police officer, judge, crown prosecutor and others that are involved in the Criminal Justice System for each job you had you learn what the average salary is, responsibilities are, the education required to apply for the job and the training process you have to complete to get the job. All information.

Core Competency

I can work with others to achieve a goal: In this assignment I worked with my partner to share the work evenly so that we were able to get the assignment done and do a good job. If I was stuck or my partner was stuck we would help each other out so nothing was forgotten about.

I can advocate for myself: For this project when I got stuck on a question or wasn’t sure if I got the right answer, I would ask my partner to check and get a second opinion to see if it was right. If both my partner and myself were confused we would ask the teacher or other groups to compare the information.

I can find it easy to be part of a group: When it comes to working in groups if find it easy because you have to just take charge and say what is fair and everyone has to agree upon it. It is also easy because I am an easy going person so I don’t care what part of the assignment I have to do.

I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it: I help out my group when need it and when they get stuck I encourage them to keep going and not give up. I help my partner work on their part when they don’t get the right answer or understand what they have to do.


I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives: I have to work on this because I don’t always encourage people share their voices. If someone doesn’t want to share their voice then I just say okay and move on. I can work on it by making sure that I make sure everyone says something even if they don’t want to.


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