Group Work in Math

Pros and Cons

The pros of doing group work in math is that when you get stuck you can ask your peers to help you and explain it. If you both get stuck then you can work together to solve the problem and both learn from it. Another pro is that you get to work with friends or people who are the same level as you so you both build each other up instead of one person always helping and the other always getting the help. A con for group work is that if you are all supposed to answer the same question sometimes your group just copies your work and then when you make a mistake you are the only onw how learns from it. The others just recopy it down and still haven’t learned how to do the equation. Another con is that sometimes working with friends can be the bad idea. When you work with friends and you are all not determined to do well you wont actually work and just waste time. then when it comes to group reflections you will all give each other 100% even though you probably didn’t all deserve it.

Reflection Questions

I know the group is working well together when I see that everyone is doing work and focused. When we do our group work once we know what all our jobs are we start working and get as much now as possible. I also know that the group is working well when I hear that we are asking questions like how does this look, is this right, do you need help with that and what can I do now.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by when I tell them that I appreciate what they did or give them a complement. When a member of the group finishes something I tell them that they did a great job and that it looks great. I also offer them help when they have been working hard so they know that they don’t have to do it all on their own.

If I notice that everyone is asking each other to so something, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking the teacher or other students. We will seek help from others but first we all try to work on the problem together and see if we can figure it out ourselves before seeking for help from others.

If the group is not productive, we can take a small break in order to get things moving in the right direction. We can either go for a walk, change topics or take a break and go on out phones for a bit just to regroup our minds on the topic and do our best work.

What I learned

I learned from this group experienced was that sometimes you have to push people to get there work done. When you do a group project everyone has to pull their wait and when people don’t they need to know that other people are counting on them.


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