Life Saving Measures

Three topics I took away from the CPR training course was that don’t be afraid to push down hard on their chest. You rather push hard on their chest and break a rib than not push hard enough and not save them. Another thing I took away was that before you start compressions check to see if the person is actually dying or if they are just asleep. Do that by rubbing their collar bone aggressively or sternum. Lastly, I took away was if you have had the training to administer CPR and you find someone who is in direr need of it, don’t just stand around and wait for someone to do it first. Be the one to administer CPR and by doing that you’ll raise their chance of survival by a lot.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. If I do come across someone who is in need of CPR, I am able to look at the situation and make judgements of what needs to be done as well as what I am comfortable/capable of doing. For example, if compressions are all that are needed then I am comfortable doing that but if the use of the AMBU was needed I wouldn’t be comfortable in using that as I have no idea what I am doing or even how to use it.


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