Indian Residential School Survivor Society

On Wednesday May 5th, an Indian Residential School survivor named Carrie Louis came to talk to us about experience. She told us how she didn’t actually attend residential school but instead attended Indian Day School which is practically the same except they didn’t live there on site they went home everyday. By listening to her speak about her experience made we realize how fortunate I am to not have to go through that and not only the hard labour but what they endured. She told us how they had student practicing skills to help them get jobs in the future which I knew but what I didn’t know was what skills they were learning. She explain how she had a cavity or something wrong with her tooth at one point and had to got to the dentist on site. The dentist was a student at the school and someone who had not been to medical or dental school. Then she explain what happened and the pain she went through. I am very grateful that I do not have to deal with that. What I found interesting was that I have heard other Residential School survivors speak before and they all say the same thing about how they lost their culture and who they are due to residential schools which is true but Carrie was the first person I have ever heard talk about getting it back. She seemed to have found a way to take all the negative and horrible things that have happened to her and turn it around to make her stronger. I truly admire her for that because that is not easy to do or easy to have the courage to do that. As I go back on what I heard and thought during the presentation I realized she is one of the few people who I know is First Nation or heard from someone who is First Nations and take a positive outcome out of all the tragedy. By hearing Carrie it makes me think that if Carrie can over come all the trauma and have found ways to stop it from affecting her daily life, it makes me realize that I can get through anything.


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