Writing in English Studies 12

My Best Essay

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this essay. When it came to finding quotes to put in my essay I was very careful on which ones I used because I wanted to make sure they portrayed the message I was wanting to get across. I made sure that when I was stating a fact about the play or explain how a certain thing made sense or was relevant to my thesis statement I would choose a quote that agreed with my opinion and sometimes even made it more clear as to what I was trying to say/

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I change topics. It was important for me to take breaks while writing this essay or proof reading it because what would happen is I would be so focused on what I wanted to say that after I finished writing I would read it and it would make sense. When I would come back to look over it, it wouldn’t make any sense so the breaks and re focusing I took made good use and was well with it.

I can represent and address multiple perspectives in this in this play by stating that it was my opinion. I never stated that it was a fact, instead I would say it seems to me or I believe that, to make it clear that it was my thought and that I was never trying to state a fact especially since one I am not the writer and two I don’t have enough knowledge or practice in the writing department to make such critical judgements. What I believe what I saw or what I believed what was being shown could have been very different from other people so to help I would provide examples and quotes to show why I was thinking this and how I came to this conclusion.


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