Separation Agreement

Scenario 1

About the Project

For this assignment we were tasked with creating an agreement like one you would see if you were to get divorced or separated from your partner. Each partner pair were given a specific scenario with how much money each person makes, what we own collectively, own individually, jobs, family members and any debts they might own. Each partner was also given what they each wanted out of the divorce and the goal was to create an agreement that was fair yet at the same time benefitting you more than your partner. for any debts and support that each partner owed, you would have to calculate how much each person owed in mortgage, child support or spousal support. You were to use a specific website that help create the agreement.

Core Competency Reflection

I can work with others to achieve a goal. For this assignment I was able to work well with my partner to make sure that the assignment was completed on time and to our full potential. We were able to catch up on things even though we started later due to absences and use our time wisely without distractions.

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. While my partner was absence, I was able to come up with points that I could use to try to get what I wanted as well as do all the calculations that was needed for the mortgage, child support and spousal support.

I can tell the difference between facts and opinions. When it came to the arguing part of this assignment, I made sure that I stated facts about how this would apply to real life and not just what I thought was best. I found that if I was able to find a way to make it seem like real life then my partner would understand from where I am coming from and agree with me.

I can advocate for myself is one of my goals. I need to start working on this because I tend to always end up in situations where my partners are absence or aren’t doing their part and I end up having to pull their weight as well as my own. I tend to put how the other person would feel if I said no to being their partners rather than how would this affect me and my grade. I am going to work on this by next time someone asks me to be partners, first I’ll think about their reputation when it comes to group work and if it isn’t a good rep then I won’t agree to be partners.

Curricular Competency Reflection

By doing this assignment it really gave me perspective about what actual couples go through when getting divorce and how it affects not only the two people but the whole family and everything they own. This gave me a appreciation for all the lawyers and parties involved in a divorce because after we finished this assignment I said that ill never get a divorce because it was draining to have to go through every little detail and argue all the time just to get pretty much half of what I wanted.


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