Indian Residential School Survivor Society

On Wednesday May 5th, an Indian Residential School survivor named Carrie Louis came to talk to us about experience. She told us how she didn’t actually attend residential school but instead attended Indian Day School which is practically the same except they didn’t live there on site they went home everyday. By listening to her […]

Group Work in Math

Pros and Cons The pros of doing group work in math is that when you get stuck you can ask your peers to help you and explain it. If you both get stuck then you can work together to solve the problem and both learn from it. Another pro is that you get to work […]

Law – Roles in the Criminal Justice System

Roles Artifact About the Activity The Roles in the Canadian Criminal Justice System assignment was a partner assignment about researching specific jobs like police officer, judge, crown prosecutor and others that are involved in the Criminal Justice System for each job you had you learn what the average salary is, responsibilities are, the education required […]

Law Debates

About the Project For this project I had write the conclusion and find a way to summarize the whole debate with out making it sound so repetitive and restate out original statement. I spoke for the main point of how vaccines could and have killed people and are they truly getting tested properly. I also […]