Law – Roles in the Criminal Justice System

Roles Artifact About the Activity The Roles in the Canadian Criminal Justice System assignment was a partner assignment about researching specific jobs like police officer, judge, crown prosecutor and others that are involved in the Criminal Justice System for each job you had you learn what the average salary is, responsibilities are, the education required […]

Law Debates

About the Project For this project I had write the conclusion and find a way to summarize the whole debate with out making it sound so repetitive and restate out original statement. I spoke for the main point of how vaccines could and have killed people and are they truly getting tested properly. I also […]

My Digital Footprint

My digital footprint gives people the idea that I am a women in my twenties and like art. The lady that is online when you look up my name has brown hair and lives in Italy. When you look at my digital footprint it gives another name which spells my name wrong because that is […]

Speech Unit Reflection

Something I learned while doing the assignment and will use again is how to properly cite work and how to use different medias to find reliable sources. When I had to create my citations, the tool I used was citation machines. I found that it was the easiest website to create citations and I liked […]

Innovation Station Industrial Revolution

                The innovation that I have chosen is the suspension bridge. The image and design of the suspension bridge was created by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, but the actual idea came from a wine       merchant. An English wine merchant wanted to sell his wine on the other side of gorge but couldn’t get across. The idea […]

Cristina’s Self-Portrait

Refection What is innovated about my portrait is that I used one of my main topics for my background and used a variety of different pictures and style of the pictures. Some were solid and some were you could see through the picture. Also the pictures I used had different colours, there were bright bold […]