Mon Autobiographie


Curricular competency reflection

In order to help me write this paragraph I had to refer to me older notes and grammar points to help me complete this assignment properly. I also had to ask for help and find a good translating tool in order to find the words I was unsure about. It was definitely more challenging to express myself in French rather than English but I still managed to pull it off and have a piece of writing that I was happy about. It is definitely a challenge for other people that move to different countries and don’t know how to properly speak a language.

Physics Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication and Collaboration

This assignment was in groups which meant that we had to communicate with each other to make sure we all had the same data and to help each other out. There were also a lot of questions that I had to ask about which helped me get the information I needed and have a better-finished product.

My Digital Footprint

When I searched up my name I expected there to be a few pictures of me and my baseball teams and there was but there was a lot more of them than I had expected and I never really realized how many tournaments I have played in. There were also a few of my previous Instagram profile pictures but none of my posts because my account is private. You could also see a few people that I know in some of the pictures and there was even a YouTube video that I had posted for a school project a few years ago. If someone were to search the name of my baseball league and go to their website or look at images they would see me and my team because they get posted on their website and even on Instagram sometimes. This is actually a positive digital footprint because the public around the world get to see the amount that my baseball team has accomplished throughout the season and then people have a positive view on our baseball league and may even show others or start playing baseball which introduces them to a brand new sport. If the college or university that I decide to apply for search up my name to see who I am they will only see good things about me playing baseball and if I want to play college ball then that will give me a head start to being on the team because they will assume that I have lots of experience with it and know what I’m doing. Maybe if I become good enough one day I can be a part of the MLB and they will also check my digital footprint and will se all the times my baseball team has made it somewhere.


What are three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe?

You should always be aware of what your posting anywhere at all times because anything you share with the internet could be posted on google or somewhere else on the web. Make sure if you are going to post something that it is appropriate and you are not showing anyone inappropriate photos or videos of you or anyone else. Lastly make sure most your accounts are private so only certain people can see it.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

The only thing I have to say is just be careful with what you post online and make sure it puts a positive view on you.

Here are some of the pictures that are related to me online:

Image result for daniel mansori
Image result for daniel mansori
Image result for daniel mansori
Image result for daniel mansori
This is a YouTube video I made

The Innovation Station Industrial Revolution Project


It took me a little while to figure out what was wrong with the airplanes because they are very reliable but I finally figured it out when I thought about it more. I just looked at how technology has advanced and tried to advance it further into the future and see what it would look like. I was very satisfied with what I came up with because I feel that it symbolizes what a futuristic airplane would look like. I wouldn’t do too much difference but I would start doing the project sooner because I didn’t have, much time to do it by the time I started.


100 Years of Flight: Inventing the Plane,

Kettle, Harry. “25 Glaring Problems With Airplanes In 2019.” TheTravel, TheTravel, 4 Jan. 2019,

Moyer, Michael, and Quanta Magazine. “Why Turbulence Is a Hard Physics Problem.” Quanta Magazine,


Future of Planes.

First Airplane.



Revolution Timeline

I could tell that the sources I used were reliable because all the websites I used had the same information about the topic and they were secured websites. I chose to use Snappa because i have never used it before and I wanted to try something new. It definitely followed the criteria and was good for my audience. I was pretty satisfied with the project I had made since I put a lot of time and effort into it. If I were to do this project again I would use a different website just to switch things up a little and I would make the space provided bigger.


“American Revolution.” Ducksters Educational Site,

“Timeline of the American Revolutionary War.”, Independence Hall Association,

Wallenfeldt, Jeff. “Timeline of the American Revolution.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,


“Battle of Lexington and Concord.” Battle of Lexington and Concord,

“The Boston Tea Party.” The Boston Tea Party,

“The Stamp Act.” The Stamp Act,

“The Sugar Act.” The Sugar Act,

“Treaty of Paris.” Treaty of Paris,

Insta-Scientist Assignment

Isaac Newton

I chose Isaac Newton for this project because his story is very interesting and he is very intelligent. He was a mathematician and physicist who was a culminating figure of the scientific revolution and has made some very important discoveries that have changed the way we look at the world to this day. One thing that I have learned about Isaac Newton is that his dad died three months before he was born and he wasn’t expected to live because he was tiny and weak. Also his mother left him for her new spouse but when he died they finally became reunited after nine years.


Westfall, Richard S. “Isaac Newton.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1 Aug. 2019,

“Isaac Newton.”, A&E Networks Television, 28 Aug. 2019,

“Isaac Newton.”, A&E Networks Television, 28 Aug. 2019,