Most Memorable Food Experience

My most memorable food experience happened at the Richmond night market. The night market is known to have very unique foods. My sister convinced me to go with her by listing all the intriguing food that was gonna be there. When we got there, my eyes immediately went to the bright colored lights. The bright colored lights were spread out in patterns, it was part of the decorations that was set up. The busy crowds surrounded the food stands and the pathway. As my sister and I walked through the pathway but we could barely see the food stands. It was very loud, I heard workers yelling orders out and then rapidly serving them. I saw people munching on all kinds of different foods, you could see the pleasant look on their face after every bite. The smell in the air was to die for, every step I took I encountered a new food smell. I noticed one of the stands from the website, it was the fluffy Japanese pancakes. I heard that they were really good, so I decided to try it out. I watched impatiently as the workers added the last finishing touches and then handed it off to me. It looked visually appealing, the strawberry sauce running down the side of it and the way the pancakes jigged as I moved the packaging box. I watched the strawberry sauce slowly making it’s way down the pancakes. It smelled like my dad’s pancakes, that fresh pancake smell that floats through the air in the morning. I used my plastic fork to cut a piece, it made a spongy bounce sound once I cut through the second layer. It was so light and fluffy the pancakes were very rich and I could tell there was a lot of cream involved. The strawberry sauce had the perfect balance of sugar in it. Once I was finished I was ready for the next sweet treat. I felt like this food experience was special to me because I spent it was someone who means a lot to me. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you go, it’s who you get to share your experiences with, that is what makes a memorable moment.


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