Foods10- Scrambled Egg

In this lab, we got to make our choice of eggs. I chose to make a scrambled egg. I would say over all it went well, my egg turned out and we kinda forgot about our english muffins in the oven, so they had a good crunch to them. They still tasted good, the crunchy edges and soft center of it was perfect in my opinion. My egg could’ve looked better presentation wise, they were separated to much, in the future I would be more careful when cutting them. For safety and sanitation regarding this lab, its very important to make sure your egg is cooked so you don’t get food poisoning or even salmonella. Also, if raw egg makes contact with the counters or any surface in your kitchen, make sure you clean/disinfect the area. Make sure you wash your hands before and after when dealing with eggs; germs may spread and if you touch kitchen utensils you’re infecting them. My group followed these safety and sanitation guidelines by washing our hands many times before and after handling the eggs. We made sure our eggs were cooked by looking to see if they were jiggly or not and I tilted the pan to see if anything came sliding down.


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