Personal Awareness and Responsibility Prompts:
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus:
I usually take a break and do something that makes me feel happy. Some of these things include drawing, reading and listening to music. Those things help me because when I’m doing those things, and try to not think about anything but that, my mind is focused on that, and gets all filled up with that and empties of any worries or stress. I also find listening to music when doing work (Fast music.) It helps me type and work faster. I usually make the music 1.25 times faster; it makes me finish my work faster and helps me be motivated. I also watch videos that make me laugh when I am tired. After laughing, I feel lighter and can start off my work again feeling better.
When I am sad, angry or frustrated, doing… helps me be more productive or calm.
Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include taking breaks while studying and exercising regularly. These both help me feel less stressed and let me live better on a daily basis. If I do not take breaks during study and work, it would not help me get more done, it would stop me from getting as much work done because I would be tired and not have good ideas or be motivated to work. Exercise also helps clear my mind.
The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at ____ (home and online) in these ways:
When I am at home, I communicate with my mom and sister in Japanese, it helps me keep up my Japanese skills. I speak English when talking to my dad. I have to try to talk properly in Japanese to get my family to understand (without using English.) It is sometimes hard for me, but it helps me keep my Japanese speaking skills alive. When I am online and chatting with people, I try to remember that they (the person I am talking to) is not able to tell how I am feeling or wanting to convey my message by the tone of my voice, so I am careful to use emojis or Ellipses, and other punctuation for them to be able to tell my mood when talking so no unneeded misunderstandings happen. I also take note to explain things more thoroughly and check my grammar, because really bad misunderstandings and fights can start from a simple spelling mistake.
These are my goals that I will try to fulfill, Thank you for reading