R4 – School Life

・How does school in Japan compare to Canada? Is there anything they do in Japan, that you wish we did at Centennial?

I think the schools in Japan expect more responsibility from students than the schools here do. 
Walking to and from school without parent supervision is something that is expected from grade one in elementary school, and you must clean up your own classroom, carry the heavy dishes up to your classroom to get to eat.  

Even seemingly small things like these build up the ability to be self-sufficient and have to rely less on others. I think a big thing is that they teach that there are consequences for your actions; for example, if you forget something you need in class (they have a check in the morning to see if you have what you need to bring to school) the teacher scolds you, then writes that you forgot something and what you forgot in your notebook. You then must show it to your parents and bring it back the next day to the teacher, signed by your parents.  

I feel like here they would not usually have measures that strict, if you forgot something it’s your loss and that’s it, nobody else is informed about it. Maybe that makes you stay in line more. I do not always think this kind of strictness, (like no dying hair, no short skirts etc.) is the best for students as it causes stress and may keep them “in line” but could kill their ability to think outside of what they are told to. 

There are some parts of the differences that I would want to see happen here though, one would be how the students there clean their own classrooms and school.

・Do you think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duty? Why?

I think that having more responsibilities would be helpful for the future, when you are on your own and must do everything on your own. It is good practice for cleaning up, as I am not very good at tidying up things, and in grade one they teach you how to clean places up efficiently and I think that knowledge would be useful. 

・How lucky are you in じゃんけん?Would you be able to snag leftovers?

In the short time I was able to go to Japan, I got to eat the school lunches and I thought that each portion of food were so much. The rice was put into the bowls like a mountain, and all the food was way too much for me to eat. I had to ask the teacher to lessen the portions for me, and the teacher would scold me and tell me to eat the full portion every time. It was so much, and I really do not know how the other students were eating those portions and then wanting more. I never participated in the janken because I always was so full.

Japanese Elementary school students cleaning up their classroom (second on is cleaning shoe boxes) ↓

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