Shakshuka and Rustic Bread

My Reflection

This lab was spread out over two days. On the first day we made the bread dough, and on the second day we baked the bread and made the shakshuka. I have made this bread before and it is really easy because it only has a few ingredients. The bread met the product standard for being golden brown, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It also tasted really good because it was sweet. You could definitely make this bread to serve with breakfast, lunch or dinner as a side dish. I have never made Shakshuka or even heard of this recipe before I made it in this class. The shakshuka took more time to make than the bread but it was worth it. All of the veggies were tender, the eggs were fully cooked, the tomato sauce was thick which made for a flavorful dish. The only thing I didn’t like about it is the big chunks of tomato in the sauce. The thing I could improve on in this recipe is tasting and seasoning better. While doing this recipe, I worked well with my partner, I learned knife skills, egg cookerie, I learned how to properly sauté and season vegetables. I would make both of these recipes again but would use a tomato sauce without chunks of tomato in the shakshuka.

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Scones and Eggs

Final Product

My Reflection

This lab asked us to make scones and an egg of your choice. I thought that this lab was easy because I have made scones and eggs before and the steps were easy to follow. The scones tasted delicious and turned out really well. They were golden brown on the outside and had flakey layers on the inside. We used cold butter instead of soft butter because that is what makes the flakey layers. Next time, I would add something to the scones like cheese or blueberries for extra flavour. Something I could improve on is rinsing and putting away dishes as we cooked because the counter got crowded. With my scone, I made a fried egg. This type of egg is super easy to make because at home I usually make a Sunnyside up egg and with a fried egg, you just flip it over at the end. I thought that it turned out well because it was cooked how I like it and wasn’t over cooked. I would definitely make these two recipes again because they are simple and easy to make for breakfast or lunch.

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