Broccoli and Cauliflower Cheese Soup

My Reflection

For this lab, we were given four cream based soups to chose from. My partner and I chose to make a broccoli and cauliflower cheese soup. I have never made a cream soup before, so I found it a little challenging but it was fun. When we made the soup, we chopped up all the veggies and added the liquid. The soup was then chunky so we used an immersion blender that made it smooth. My partner and I worked well together to make this recipe because we planned out who was going to be responsible for what and it made us be more organized. I also got to practice more of my knife skills. I thought the soup turned out well because it was well seasoned, all the veggies were tender and everything was well blended. I don’t think I would eat this soup again because I didn’t really enjoy the taste but I would recommend it to someone who loves the taste of broccoli and cauliflower.

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