Breakfast Home Lab

My Reflection

For this lab, we were asked to make two different breakfast recipes and a smoothie at home to share with out family. I decided to make crepes, omelettes ( cooked in muffin tins) and a mixed berry smoothie. I have never made crepes before so it was a bit of a challenge. The first crepe didn’t turn out very well but the rest after did. They turned out well because they were thin, fully cooked and tasted sweet. For the muffin omelettes, I diced veggies and grated cheese to put at the bottom of the muffin liners and then poured the beaten egg on top. These weren’t too hard to make for me because I have made them before. The omelettes turned out well because they were fully cooked and very flavorful. The easiest recipe to make was the mixed berry smoothie. I have made tons of smoothies before so it was super easy. In the smoothie, I added frozen berries, almond milk, yogurt, honey and protein powder. The smoothie tasted amazing and everything got blended together so there were no chunks. This lab challenged me to be organized, work independently and to manage my time wisely. I would definitely make these recipes again.

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