Law-Polygamy pro

About the Activity

In this activity we had to research about Polygamy to argue polygamy should be legal. My job was to research about the negative side effects and see if it’s valid to be illegal. I also was 1 out of the 2 speakers. As I was researching about it, there were no negative effects and most polygamous relationships fail because one always feel left out. This problem is not because of polygamy but the persons fault for agreeing on something they do not like.

Core Competency Reflecion

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.

I can ask people for help when I need it to further my learning for subjects. I can also listen to people and understand their thoughts to build my knowledge together.

I can work with others to achieve a goal.

Working with others are one of my greatest strengths since it allows me to share my thoughts and discuss them together as a group. I can also receive help from my peers when I am in trouble

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I can see analyze problems and find out why to figure out how to solve them. I can also make judgements and decisions when it requires me to. Analyzing is one of my strength that I am confident but at the same time i could also improve more.

I can identify and describe my qualities.

I can identify my own qualities and know where I exceed at and where I don’t. I know my limits and know when to ask questions when I need help. I would like to strengthen my weaker ones to produce better results.