Spanish 11 Core Competencies Reflection


Valentine’s Poem I did in Spanish 11 at the start of the semester.

I actively used the core competency Communication in my Valentine’s Poem by asking my teacher questions for

clarification on the assignment. I missed the day the poem was assigned, and met with my teacher during lunch to ask

for directions and to have my work checked. By getting assistance, I understood my task enough to receive a 10/10 on

the project, which was a good way to start my semester. When I saw my success after getting help from classmates and

my teacher, taking their comments and constructive criticism, I concluded that I could use others for help me continue

to succeed in Spanish 11.

What’s the Word Around Town?



To reflect on my project, I think that I did a good job identifying how the geography impacts my town, Whistler. In order to find out how the vegetation, physical landforms, and climate impacted my community, I thought about what kind of things I’ve seen in Whistler. From there, I began to start my research on the climate and vegetation in my town. To complete the physical landforms, I had to read through the notes I had taken in class. I got some of my information for all three categories online and in those notes. For the economic activities, I had to research a lot about Whistler’s logging. It took time to find websites that would give me the information I was looking for. To start the visual display of my project, I had to work from a backwards design. In order to do so, I started by placing location icons in the places where the economic activities, vegetation, physical landforms, climate, and the future businesses could be found in Whistler. Then, I began to work on customizing the bubbles to match the colours and symbols that reminded me of those places. All the things are categorized by matching colour. For example, I made vegetation bright green and climate yellow. To decide the future developments of my town, I imagined what businesses are good to have because of Whistler’s climate, landforms, and vegetation. After I had completed placing the location icons, I titled them by type of physical landform, vegetation or climate the town had, and followed that by which of those it fell under. I wanted to put all the information under one of the icons, and to identify that, I added a #1 to the ones the information fell under, and a #2 to the ones that wouldn’t have information. Example, Forests- Vegetation #1. All the information for economic activities would also fall under the ones labeled #1. The economic activities were titled according to the activity and then category. To conclude the creation of my map, I added images in each bubble that matched its category, then I cited the photos. If I would refine my project in the future, I would separate all the information under each location icon. Overall, I am very happy with the result of my project and believe that I did a good job finding information and making my project aesthetically pleasing, while being functional.


“13 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Whistler: PlanetWare.”,, 25, April 2020.

Admin. “Standard Travels.” Standard Travels,, 25 April 2020.

Brogan, Ayngelina, et al. “Whistler Summer: A Local’s Guide To The 10 Best Things To Do.” Go Far Grow Close, 26 Sept. 2019,, 25 April 2020.

Burke, Heather. “The Top 10 Reasons You Must Ski Whistler Blackcomb.” Snowpak, SnowPak, 13 June 2019,, 25 April 2020.

E., Melissa, and Jeff S. “Helly Hansen Store – Whistler, BC.” Yelp, 20 Aug. 2014,, 25 April 2020.

“Getting to Know Whistler’s Trees.” Whistler Question, 15 Dec. 2014,, 20 April 2020., 25 April 2020., 25 April 2020.\, 25 April 2020.

“Logging.” Whistorical,, 25 April 2020.

“Nature and Wilderness around Whistler.” Tourism Whistler, 2020,, 6 April 2020.

Ozborn, Liz. “Whistler Temperatures: Averages by Month.” Whistler BC Average Temperatures by Month – Current Results,, 6 April 2020.

Perehudoff, Carol, et al. “Peak to Peak Whistler Gondola.” Luxury Travel Magazine, 1 Sept. 2019,, 25 April 2020.

“RONA Whistler.” Photos at RONA Whistler – 1350 Alpha Lake Road,, 25 April 2020.

Sheppard, Jenni. “Etcetera.” 48 Hours in Whistler… without Snow or Bikes!, Daily Hive, 18 Aug. 2016,, 25 April 2020.

Tripadvisor. “Green River Rafting…Whistler – Wedge Rafting, Whistler Traveller Reviews.” Tripadvisor,, 25 April 2020.

Tripadvisor. “Poor Skiing Conditions – Whistler Blackcomb, Whistler Traveller Reviews.” Tripadvisor,, 25 April 2020.

Vancouver Trails. “Ancient Cedars Trail near Whistler.” Vancouver Trails,, 25 April 2020.

“Water and Wastewater.” Resort Municipality of Whistler, 26 Mar. 2020,

“Whistler Alpine Hikes – High Note Trail.” Vancouver Trails, 26 July 2018,, 25 April 2020.

“Whistler Custom Contemporary Home: Blog: Tamlin International Homes.” Tamlin Homes | Timber Frame Home Packages, 31 Aug. 2018,

“Whistler Weather History.” Tourism Whistler,, 25 April 2020.

My Digital Footprint

                In my original search of my name, I searched “Isabella Banco”, I was unable to find any information or even a sign of my identity on the internet. However, I did a search using ““Isabella Banco” Coquitlam”, it narrowed down my options: I found a link to “Centennial Today”, which announced some of my basketball achievements. It was the only thing that came up regarding my digital history. I truly wasn’t surprised by my digital footprint because I don’t have much social media presence, publicly. I am happy that there was nothing bad on myself, which I didn’t expect there would be. Therefore, I don’t have a shocking digital footprint.

                Searching “Isabella Banco” resulted in mostly banks because my last name translates to bank in Italian; so, when “Banco” was featured, it translated to bank. The images option, focused on random dresses, as the designers shared my first name. Not only that, but I also came across pictures of random people named Isabella, which is expected because it was in my search. I did not come across any of my family. I thought that “Banco” being a portion of the search, would give me images of people I’m related to. My siblings are soccer players, so it was odd that there was no images of them playing. I do in fact, have a large family that share the last name Banco, of which play sports at a high level. Generally, a part of me was surprised that there was absolutely nothing on my family, but I think that’s for the best because I will have a less public footprint.

Now, if I did have a digital footprint that presented me in a bad way, what issues might that create? A digital footprint can be viewed by employers and can ruin the chances of getting a job. This is because a negative digital footprint can display the downside of a person and represent bad behaviors that make a bad reputation. Not only that, but businesses also have a reputation to protect, and have strict rules they must ensure will not be broken. Obviously, businesses want the best employees they can find; therefore, someone with a good digital footprint or none are better, it implies they have a good history.

                To employers, having very little on my digital footprint is beneficial, because it is proving that I have a clean record. Their main source of information on myself I can control, with recommendation letters and my resume. My chance of getting the job is more likely this way. My online presence doesn’t negative contribute to the online world. The positive thing about this, is I can control what others think of me, because there is little information online for them to judge me on. The importance of protecting myself from others being able to find information on me, is so I can live a private life and regulator what is seen of me. I am a private person on online platforms. I believe that is for the best, so I depend less on technology and the online communities’ thoughts of me. Overall, my absence in the online community is how I prefer it right now, and I feel that what is public presents me well.

                As to what does exist, my current footprint is something that I would want post-secondary schools to see. I have an interest in getting an academic scholarship and/or a basketball scholarship. My impact on the grade nine teams scores is mention in “Centennial Today” several times, which means that I would be someone to look for on the court, as my footprint implies. I do in fact want to have a public online presence for basketball, it gives me a higher chance of being spotted by scouts. Schools would be interested in my participation in school activities, which they will find searching up my name.

                Overall, my little online presence is limited and will not negatively affect my future with job applications and post-secondary school. I am happy to see that there is not a lot of stuff on me so that I may continue to control my online presence.

To keep a digital footprint appropriate and safe people can use several different strategies: keeping accounts private, using a strong password, and not posting any information that is not wanted to be shared publicly. A private account doesn’t always mean that there is no digital footprint, but it does create less of a chance for people to find personal photos or information that was shared privately. Not only should an account be private, but the password created for it should be strong and almost impossible to guess. The purpose of a strong password is so if someone were trying to log into an account to reach private photos and get private information they can’t get in because the password is random. However, here’s a scenario: someone following a private account shares a personal photo of someone doing something that wouldn’t look good to future employers. That photo can become public and will be part of the persons digital footprint forever. So, the best solution is to not post anything that they wouldn’t want to be seen by the public. It’s important to be aware of your digital footprint, make sure that you are smart about what you do on the internet and on social media.

If I were worried for a friend, I would recommend they search themselves up. Do a deep stalking dive on themselves. To ensure that they are looking after their future, I would explain how getting a job is much harder when they have a footprint that displays them negatively. Then, I would simply suggest that they could remove the photos and make the account private. Although, the information would already be public and it couldn’t be erased once it was out there, there are steps they could take to try and get the stuff removed. Even if a friend asked or they had a public account, I would tell them that a private account is safer to keep their personal information more secret. Overall, the best way to go about a situation regarding a digital footprint, is to calmly just explain that public information is out there forever.

Speech Unit Reflection

                In this speech assignment I learned different ways to cite my information and how to make my citations look more appealing, as well as organized. To create those citations, I used Easy Bib. I found online sources to be the most helpful, as a book source would have been hard to find because my topic would require an opinionated book. My topic was Why Homework Shouldn’t Exist; therefore, if I used a book source it would have to be supporting my opinion and I doubt that my topic is commonly written about. I read many online sources and ensured that all my information was credible. I don’t think my research needed any improvement, as I had a large amount of resources and researched facts. As I mentioned the content was accurate. Overall, I will be able to convert my learning from this assignment to my future academic classes. I think that I did well on this project and my hard work has paid off.

My Self-Portrait

In my visual self portrait I used muted tones to make mine distinctive from others work; however, I still made it simple enough that it wasn’t overwhelming. I have selected this colour palette because these colours compliment one another and all of my photos. The muted, pastel colours are some of my favourite. It’s not distracting and gives each piece its shining moment, grounded by the painters chip styled colour blocks. In the image you get a clear example of my personality, life and interests. Each picture speaks for themselves. For example, the pop of blue in the paint image and the star moment for the yellow in the sunflowers. The pastel filter cast over the images really helps show off the detail in the art. Creating a simple theme and grounding an image brings out the personality. The detail in the images and organization shows that, I myself, am a perfectionist and am detail oriented. However, the colour scheme exemplifies my sense of freedom, admiration for simplicity and my calm personality. The occasional pop of colour representing my energetic and passionate side.

This project gave me the creative opportunity to work digitally on organizing art and experimenting with the use of filters on the computer. Honestly, I couldn’t think of improving anything because this is far better than what I expected of myself to be capable of digitally. Overall, I am happy with my result and feel accomplished and successful.

Favourite Website

My favourite website is…

I chose Amazon as my favourite website for various reasons. For one, Amazon has a huge range of items, for anybodies needs. As an admirer and collector of many different artists products, I know the original prices of most items that I find on Amazon. I have found that most of the products in their selection, are far cheaper than the prices at the average art store. The majority of products that I order come within a month or so, without Prime. Amazon has proven to be one of the most useful websites to purchase things usable in the everyday life.

Impacting Picture

This picture is impacting to me because I am a basketball player. Stephen Curry is my favourite player in the NBA. This is because of his legendary shot form and the fact that I take inspiration from him; myself being a far shooter. I have reviewed his playing tactics and they are absolutely incredible. He has one of the most consistent three point shots, in the NBA.