Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Reflection

We were assigned to sew a drawstring bag in Textiles Arts and Crafts.
I demonstrated communication in this assignment by consistently sharing my progress with my teacher, and asking for assistance from peers or my teacher when necessary. There was a written reflection component to this assignment where I shared how I intend to use this project and what I overcame or accomplished. 
I ran into the issue of the thread making the fabric bunch or stretch too tight, so I used critical thinking to decide I needed to begin sewing a centimetre from the top as to prevent this. The drawstring bag had several pages of specific instructions to follow. 
Personal awareness is another core competency I demonstrated in this assignment, as I was required to communicate my process, overcome issues alone or with the help of others, and manage my time to complete this project to criteria.

Studio Art 11- Independent Studies Core Competencies – Communication

Archery (digital) by Isabella Banco

This piece was done over the course of a few weeks in class, with the advice and help from my teacher, and other students. By communicating with my peers and consistently re-evaluating, I learned how to use a digital art program and find the right lighting for this original piece. Other artists were very helpful with their critiques and advice on colors, proportion, lighting, logistics, etcetera. I ensured to take into account advice and was consistently learning in this new art form.