Studio Art 11- Independent Studies Core Competencies – Communication

Archery (digital) by Isabella Banco

This piece was done over the course of a few weeks in class, with the advice and help from my teacher, and other students. By communicating with my peers and consistently re-evaluating, I learned how to use a digital art program and find the right lighting for this original piece. Other artists were very helpful with their critiques and advice on colors, proportion, lighting, logistics, etcetera. I ensured to take into account advice and was consistently learning in this new art form.

Core Competency Reflection – Pre-Calc 11

Pros For Group Work:

-Get more done quicker

-Have peers to ask questions

-Work through problems with groups

-Strong communication

Cons For Group Work:

-Depend on others in order to complete the project on time

-Depend on group members to do the work right and present well together

One of the ways I ensured my group is clear on the common purpose was to communicate. Constant communication helped us figure out what worked best for each person and allowed us to set goals for our achievements, such as deadlines and what information needed to be covered.

I knew the group was working well together when I heard/saw the members of my group working together and helping answer each other’s questions. When someone was confused, a member always made information clear and everyone would start contributing to check if thing’s were done right and thoroughly.

If I noticed someone looked confused or stressed that was a sign that my group needed help and we could get support by asking one another questions or making clarifications with the teacher. If we needed more assistance or help staying on track, we could work at separate tables to stay on track.

Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in the second PowerPoint slide where I ensured to clarify with the group that it contained the crucial things about restrictions.

What did you I learn about working with a group from this semester that you will carry into your next group experience?

Getting things done is much faster when I try to complete most of it immediately and add detail later. Splitting up the work, having group members that are good workers, and people I get along with make the process faster, easier, and more enjoyable.

Art Studio Core Competencies Reflection


Painting done by myself and Amber for the Maker Space.

A group of students, including myself, were assigned to created multiple pieces for the new Maker Space. This assignment required work similar to what is done in university, where several of us organized, planned, and executed an overall theme that met a list of requirements. We spent a couple weeks communicating ideas, then presented our plans to several teachers and took into account all recommendations and changes. The project took a lot of compromising and communicating to achieve the overall goal, which helped me learn how to work within a large group and overcome the obstacles that come with it.

Spanish 11 Core Competencies Reflection


Valentine’s Poem I did in Spanish 11 at the start of the semester.

I actively used the core competency Communication in my Valentine’s Poem by asking my teacher questions for

clarification on the assignment. I missed the day the poem was assigned, and met with my teacher during lunch to ask

for directions and to have my work checked. By getting assistance, I understood my task enough to receive a 10/10 on

the project, which was a good way to start my semester. When I saw my success after getting help from classmates and

my teacher, taking their comments and constructive criticism, I concluded that I could use others for help me continue

to succeed in Spanish 11.