Art Independent Studies 12 Exploring and Creating Reflection

“Hands of Flame” by Isabella Banco

This composition demonstrates exploring and creating, as I’ve applied many new, researched techniques with unfamiliar mediums to execute this concept. Oil paints are unfamiliar, however I dedicated much of my semester to learning color application. None of my works were similar, but this especially stands out from the others because I remained within one side of the color wheel and worked dark to light with minimal layering to enhance brightness. Overall, this painting required much research and exploration.

Art Studio Core Competencies Reflection


Painting done by myself and Amber for the Maker Space.

A group of students, including myself, were assigned to created multiple pieces for the new Maker Space. This assignment required work similar to what is done in university, where several of us organized, planned, and executed an overall theme that met a list of requirements. We spent a couple weeks communicating ideas, then presented our plans to several teachers and took into account all recommendations and changes. The project took a lot of compromising and communicating to achieve the overall goal, which helped me learn how to work within a large group and overcome the obstacles that come with it.