Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment 2023-2024

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences when it comes to my own creation based on my imagination that I have expressed. My inspiration from this piece reminds when I was at the Boracay Beach with my cousins and aunties. The water is clear, the sands are crystal dried, and the shells are beautiful that the sea itself is wonderful. I can analyze evidence to make judgements of my work that it needs work and effort so I can make it better than the previous one and be proud of my own work. I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself so I can feel the sense of pleasure and motivation to do more artwork or pieces that I will share my work.

Core Competency 12 Reflection Ceramics

Critical and Reflective Thinking

This is snowy. Snowy from the adventures of Tintin. He is a faithful companion of Tintin and a sidekick.
He is a wire fox terrier and has white fur, he was one of the cutest and cuddly animal in the series and I want to make a sculpture out of him. When I start making snowy, it was quite hard to make. I had to make the proportions exactly like him just like I made my reference on my sheet of paper. Molding his body was quite hard to make especially his head it was bigger. I had to make his head smaller and accurate just like he looks like and scrap off some extra clay off from him. After fixing his head, I molded the ears and sliced into edges, then I carefully put it on the top of his head. Next I do the face which it was a simple design and stick it there, then I mold the rest of his body and now its done. Now on to the next step, I cut the boxes and paint the ovals yellow and stick with hot glue gun together, and then I use another cardboard box to paint the rest of the background black. I glaze my sculpture and wait for the few days to be dry. Finally I put him at the background and use my flashlight at them to add a shadow.

My Artifact: Valentine Card


I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. Creating something based on references and samples can help me make an illustration and original piece in my card. Choosing Valentine theme was my favourite holiday when I was a kid and I loved to give out candy with my classmates and representing my love and affection to my family that I cared about. It also brings me joy and happiness to pursue my positivity among others. I can find it easy to be part of a group when I have trouble understanding of the subject, it helps me to catch up on my work and saves time which my me and my team work together to complete the assignment. I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences that I have been studying and comprehend projects that I have done in the past and reflect that I had learned from it and use my knowledge for the future.

Social Studies Mid-Term Assessment

Creative Thinking

Me and my group worked hard to get information and facts for our project on cultural holidays. Mostly I have to do the research of Nowruz to understand why is it celebrated and what’s the purpose of the holiday. My area strengths are gathering information from the sites that contains about the facts of Nowruz, then I make my own words. I asked questions to my team mates to double check my progress before continuing, I contribute my sources and gathering all evidence of the Nowruz. The only area in my growth I struggled to make my own words with a new sentences. It was hard for me to make an original sentence without plagiarism from any site. When I make a sentence I can’t think of a good word that would fit in the box which it was difficult for me to find a good word to make a good sentence.

The Crucible Essay

The Crucible

Introducing: The purpose of his essay is to discuss the play by Arthur Miller entitled the Crucible. In this piece of literature, many characters behave in ways that may cause the reader confusion, However if one whos Kellbergs moral perceptions, once can achieve a better understanding into why characters in this play behave as they do. Kellbergs moral perceptions represent a type of explanation for the motivation for the character to behave as they do throughout the play. The three levels of the behavior to be are pre-convention, conventional, and post-conventional. All three of these concepts will be discussed in some detail in this essay.

It is clear from the discussion that has taken place that characters in the crucible are understand more clearly that is in sight has been gained into their reasoning for the the decisions have made through the play by meaning reference to Kellbergs moral preceptions. Pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional actions are displayed by many characters throughout the play. This makes the characters easier to understand and more familiar to the reader because we understand the reasoning behind the things they say and do. This paper has successfully to achieve a better understanding for the literature.

There are Pre-convention characters in the Crucible.
Pre-Conventional means avoiding punishment to achieve the reward, the characters behave normally to avoid punishment to get their reward. The example of pre-conventional character is Abigail, she is the antagonist of the story. She has great lust for John Proctor and her hatred for his wife, Elizabeth Proctor. She likes to spread misinformation, telling lies, and manipulating others to achieve her goal to get John Proctor back. When Elizabeth Proctor was accused for Witchcraft over a poppet, Abigail claims that Elizabeth Proctor stabbed her with a needle into her belly. “Goody Proctor always kept poppets”
this shows how Abigail accusation against Elizabeth Proctor is a example of pre-conventional character as she acting self-interest and personal gain rather than respecting the safety of others. Although it was unknown that the poppet becomes a incriminating evidence.
Another pre-conventional character is Betty.
Betty, who is the daughter of Parris, participated in witchcraft in the forest with the girls, but then she was caught for witchcraft by her father, she starts to faint from shock. When she was laying on her bed, Abigail knew she isn’t on her coma. “Betty, dear, wake up” she pretends to be sick because she is afraid of her Father finding out that she is faking it..
The final pre-conventional is John Proctor.
He is known to be a farmer and a committed Christian, but his own flaws led to his sexual affair with Abigail. He is worried about what people think about him, so instead he lies to cover up his secrets in the village to keep his high status, but he still struggles with feelings of guilt and shame. “I’ll cut my hand off before I ever reach to you” He is avoiding punishment and successfully achieving to hide his dark secret.
This is what Pre-conventional means, avoiding any punishment by lying and achieving their goals to be viewed as a good person.


There are conventional characters in the crucible. Conventional means when a person finds a way to act in a specific way to get accepted by the group or to be approved. The example of an conventional character is Mary Warren, she is John Proctor’s assistance, she knows that the girls are lying and the Proctors were innocent. She tries to help but she doesn’t know how to defend what is right, instead she switches sides to Abigail’s group because she feels safer. She accused John Proctor for being a witch. “Abby I’ll never hurt you again” Another conventional character is Elizabeth Proctor.
She is John’s wife and also a Christian who wants to be a good person because of her kindness and self-control. She never lies or does bad things, she has a moral conscience. Although she struggles to be the worthy of being a good wife despite she knows that Abigail and her husband John Proctor had an affair. John Proctor convinces to Danforth “That women will never lie” claiming that Elizabeth is pregnant which means John is protecting her from getting hanged. This shows Elizabeth desired to be viewed as the good people in Salem but decided to lie so she can be innocent.
The final conventional character is the girls
The girls are participation of witchcraft on the forest with their leader Abigail Williams.
They falsely accused anyone of witchcraft leading innocents to execution. During on court when Mary Warren tries to tell the truth that Abigail accused Elizabeth Proctor , they pretended that Mary is sending her spirit coming out of her body, forming a yellow bird is attacking them. “Abby stop it” The girls were preventing their charges from withcraft by pretending there was a spirit attacking them. so they can get away from punishment.


There are Post-Conventional characters in the Crucible.
Post-Conventional means that a character that know their morals imperatives and decisions what their personal values and opinions.
The example of a Pre-Conventional character is Elizabeth Proctor, In court Hale asks if is true that John Proctor and Abigail did have an affair. When said “No sir” she believes it was okay to lie, but also the irony when John Proctor said she won’t lie. Although she did that to protect John Proctors reputation but knew that lying was necessary.
Another post-conventional character is John Proctor.
When he was forced to sign the confession or protect his name
“How may I live without my name” reason because he is willing to die without his secret being exposed on Salem, his reputation was important to him which he wanted keep his character good without testifying Abigail on court. He chooses to rip off the contract, unfortunately this leads to his execution but he learned what is being good means.
The final post-conventional character is Rebecca Nurse.
She is the most lovely and respected elder women in Salem, she is a grandmother to eight children. But when her convection to witchcraft starts the witch trail. Judge Danforth asks Rebecca Nurse “How may I damn myself” she was willing to die even though her honest response sends into her death by execution. She believes that after she dies she can go to heaven.

The three characters showed what their morality, knowing what is right and wrong and their personal opinions.

All characters in the Crucible were discussed as pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional. They behaved in the strangest way to obtain their personal needs and values. Observing their quotes explaining what they are doing with their actions In Kellberg’s story, we can describe the characters from our point of view.

Stock Market: Self Assessment

1. Performance

a. What was your best performing stock?

My best performing stock was target getting 9.88% of returns

b. What was your worst performing stock?

My worst performing stock was tesla, only -16.77% of returns

2. Risk

a. Was your strategy risky?

I don’t think so, I was buying each stocks and performing some growth .

b. What are some steps you could take to mitigate risk?

Making cost effective stocks to make more income

3. Balance

a. Was your portfolio well balanced?

The only balance I had was NGT because it was outgoing.

b. What could you do to make your portfolio more balanced?

Buying more stock markets to make more growth and success.

1. How much information did you use to help you with your decision-making process?

The information I got from this website is that the stocks I brought were processing lot of returns.

2. Has investing become a more approachable or attainable concept to you?

I think its more attainable concept than approachable since the stores I brought were lot value.

3. What is something that you have learned which you have changed your mind about?

I learned how to buy stocks and see how their portfolio was going ups or down.
I wish if I can used this site more than just once so I can understand more how the market works.

English First People 11 Comic Strip Book

This is my first comic strip on English 11. I studied about residential schools and how they treated indigenous people. My story is told through a hand drawn comic strip style. The story is about a boy who was taken away from his home and forced to attend residential school against his will.

My inspiration to make this comic was based on Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese and Secret Path by Gord Downie & Jeff Lemire. I also like to make dark themes through my imagination and visually. I want to make something sad and emotional with real life events that happens to indigenous children on Residential School and show awareness that most Residential Schools don’t treat them fairly.

Core Competency Reflection

When finishing this comic, it felt like I accomplished something.

We acknowledge that how First Nations were treated very poorly by nuns and priest run by Residential Schools.

While purposely converting indigenous youth into Canadian society thousands of indigenous children died from neglect, illness, and abuse.

Most indigenous people who had suffered from PTSD and cultural identity crisis.

An apology couldn’t fix everything but all we can do is educate ourselves from the past and spread awareness.