English 10 Core Competency Self- Assessment

Creative Thinking

This is a picture of my poetry project that I created for English. For this project, we were tasked with collecting and writing a number of different poems based around three chosen themes. While working on this assignment, I brainstormed different ideas and I looked for inspiration for my poems online to decide what I wanted to write about. This shows thinking because I thought outside of the box when writing my poems and made sure I spent a lot of time brainstorming creative ideas before I began to write. I demonstrated the statement that says, “I can reflect on my thinking.” I showed this by reading my poems after I wrote them and then reflecting on the things that I wrote to make sure I was happy with the final product. I also demonstrated the statement that says, “I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.” I demonstrated this when I showed my poems to my friends and asked them for feedback. I made sure to listen to the feedback that they gave me and I made changes to my poems which helped me to improve the overall poem.


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