Socials Studies 10 Reflection

1920’s Scrapbook Project


This assignment shows my researching skills and my critical thinking skills. It also shows my ability to make educated decisions on whether a source is reliable or not. This project demonstrated the core competency of critical and reflective thinking. I chose to reflect on this assignment because I spent a lot of time working on it and I also put a lot of effort into it. During this project, I learned more about important events and people during the 1920’s.

Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated the I can statement that says, “I can analyze evidence to make judgements.” I showed this by reading information online about the topics for my project and using it to make educated judgements while talking about their significance.

I demonstrated the statement that says, “I can reflect on my thinking.” I showed this by looking over my notes for the assignment and reflecting on the different ideas I wrote down.  

I also demonstrated the I can statement that says, “I can tell the difference between facts and opinions.” I showed this by looking over resources for the topics I was researching and comparing them to decide whether they were reliable or not. I also did this to make sure there was no bias and that what I was reading was true.

I demonstrated the I can statement that says, “I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals.” I showed this while working on this project by showing my friends my PowerPoint and asking for their opinions on it, to see if there was anything I could improve on. I made sure to listen to their suggestions and I made changes when necessary.

My goal for the future is to work on the I can statement that says “I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community. I will achieve this goal by making an conscious effort to raise my hand more during class discussions and contributing my ideas when working on group projects.


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