Core Competency Goals

How do you learn best?

I learn the best by taking notes while the teacher is talking because writing out the main points really helps me to fully understand the topic. Also, by working through the class work independently and sometimes working in a small group so I can collaborate with my peers. I learn by asking for help when I am struggling or am unsure how to do something.

What helps you get new ideas?

There are a lot of things I like to do when I am trying to come up with new ideas. The first thing that I do is talk to my friends or my peers. I like to tell them my ideas and listen to theirs, which really helps me to think about something from a different perspective. The next thing that helps me is to take a short break from what I am doing and try to change my environment, by moving to a different room or even by going outside. The last thing that helps me come up with new ideas is consuming media, such as listening to music or reading articles on a topic related to what I’m doing.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I will take a break from what I am doing and do something that I enjoy. I will usually spend time with my family or friends and just talk to them which always makes me feel better. Another thing I do is listen to music because it helps me relax and calm down. The last thing I like to do to boost my mood is to spend some time outside in the sun and take my dog for a walk.


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