Where I’m From Essay

My Paper

The Writing Process

During the writing process, there were a few parts that I found easy. I found it easy to compile a list of questions and conduct the interview with my grandma. I found it easy to take the notes from my interview and turn it into an essay. I also found it easy to edit my essay to make sure there were no grammar issues. Something that I found difficult was adding quotes to my essay. I had a hard time deciding on good quotes to use from the interview I held. I also had a hard time finding ways to integrate the quotes into my paragraph in a way that helped to support my points. To overcome this challenge, I used the resources given to us in class on integrating quotes into paragraphs. For this assignment, I really enjoyed being able to interview my grandma and learn many stories about my family. Many of these stories were new to me, and I liked learning things that made up my history, and who I am. I also enjoyed being able to write an essay on one of my family members who I find really inspiring.

Core Competency Reflection

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking the person I am talking to many questions related to the topic. I also do this by listening to their thoughts/ideas and also sharing my ideas.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by listening to their ideas. I also show this by talking through the feedback with them and making changes to my work based on their suggestions.

I seek, develop and weigh options as demonstrated by thinking of all the stories I heard during my interview, and picking the best story to write my essay on. I weighed my options by thinking about which story was the most interesting and which had the most impact on my life.

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is when I looked at the rubric for the assignment to help me put together my essay. I also did this when I looked at the suggestions given to me by those who edited my paragraph, to help me improve the quality of my essay.

Goal: I ask and respond to simple, direct questions

A goal I have for myself is to participate more in class discussions. I want to work on this because by participating more I will be able to show my understanding of the topic and will gain more understanding. I will do this by making sure to raise my hand when I think I know the answer.