Our Utopian City

Cloud Bridge City

Our City Values

Community (Town Centre) – Our city has a town centre located in the middle of both areas (suburbs and downtown) which brings a sense of community. This is to show how the people are not divided and are equal; they are able to engage with one another while viewing both areas. Another key feature of the city which promotes community is the sky walk bridge used for transportation, which connects the people of both areas.

Law/Order (Town Hall) – A town hall in the center of our city represents fair and non-discriminatory law and order for all, in order to maintain peace and equality. This building lets citizens rightfully and freely express their opinions for those elected into power, and various political topics.

Positive Relationships (Park) – By having a town park, it motivates citizens to go outside, and interact with both others, and the environment. A playground is placed for small children which encourages recreation and relationship building.

Health (Hospital) – Having a hospital in our city is important because it helps with the citizens’ physical health. They provide an environment to treat minor to major diseases/illnesses, as well as a workspace to research unknown outbreaks/diseases that may occur in the future.

Education (School) – A school is important as it teaches children important principles of life while educating them on topics which helps them shape their own values. This is especially important as schools act as the foundation/building blocks for nurturing future generations to be kind and respectful.

Environment (Recycling Depot) – Having a recycling depot in our city motivates our citizens to recycle instead of contributing to landfills— gearing our city towards a more zero-waste environment. By having one in our city, we’re encouraging them to maintain a clean environment which benefits not only our community, but the overall wellbeing of our planet earth.

Communication Reflection

To represent important values for a fictional community, collaboratively, we created a city through a browser website named City Creator. Using this application was very straightforward, and we were able to create our ideal utopian city with ease and encountered minimal issues. However, the final product had elements that were added via mobile phone, as the program did not have a substantial amount of customizable options. We solved this problem quite quick though, as my partner offered her expertise in photo editing and how she could be able to fix it.

Although we efficiently finished the project entirely in class, I communicated with my partner through email as we used our school Outlook to send files of the city design. We also used a shared Word document to share ideas as well as split up work while writing descriptions of the city values. Our exchange in ideas was done verbally, and we both built on each other’s ideas to create a product we were both happy with.

On the first day, we created the city on the browser program. I mostly designed the city, though while receiving feedback from my partner. While I did this, she worked on the key, which helps the reader differentiate each building clearly. She also added the finishing touches such as the background, colouring, effects, and labels, to the city image via phone applications.

On the second day, we wrote out the descriptions of our six values through a Word document on two laptops. We suggested key ideas to each other for each description, rather than evenly splitting up the work (3 descriptions each).

I was overall very satisfied with the end result, and was glad I was able to collaborate with a partner with such creativity. The skills she brought to the table added elements I would not be normally able to add alone, and really wrapped up the project quite nicely. If I could do this project again, using programs with more variety would be ideal to try.


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