Show & Tell Presentation Reflection and Self-Assessment

Artifact – Xenophobia & Sinophobia Slide

Curricular Response

Explain what you believe were the greatest strengths of your presentation.

In my presentation, I was proud of the graphic design of my presentation. Each slide was aesthetically pleasing and kept the audience engaged. I also believe that my personal film recommendations were a nice personal touch for the target audience.

Explain what you might do differently the next time you are asked to complete an assignment like the Show and Tell Presentation that has broad guidelines and gives you lots of leeway and choice.

If I were to do this assignment again, I would prepare for it more in advance. I would also prune the amount of film recommendations I talked about. More detailed definitions would be beneficial as well.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Explain how you chose to learn about or research something that interested you for the Show and Tell Presentation.

To research for my Show and Tell Presentation, I used my prior knowledge and experience to recommend film that I thought the class would like. I also used Google to get facts about the films such as the earnings, ratings, and genres. I additionally referenced an old presentation I did on orientalism.

Explain the strategies you used for collecting relevant information for your Show and Tell Presentation.

I used critical thinking skills to refine information and use it in my presentation. For example, I would research articles that explained different tropes, and added in the information that I thought was relevant to my presentation. I only included crucial information and discarded the rest.


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