Chemistry Core Competency Reflection

Lab 19C

Communication & Collaboration

I can apply constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts.

Throughout this course, I worked collaboratively with the same partner to complete labs effectively and efficiently. During lab 19C, we were to mix several different test tubes together, labelling each test tube to avoid mixing the wrong solutions together. However, after reflecting on previous labs, my partner and I noticed that we generally take longer to finish compared to our peers, so we decided to skip the labelling part as it would’ve taken too long. This was our first mistake, as we ended up mixing the wrong test tubes together, leaving us with no choice but to redo the lab entirely.

We concluded that labs take an hour to do, so the only option open to us was Wednesday’s CENT time. However, I was not available during this period. My partner and I did not know what to do at first until they suggested that they could set up the equipment for the lab during their off-block in period 2, giving us the whole lunch block to proceed with the lab. This was an effective solution that we ultimately resolved by communicating our schedules with each other and organizing times to meet.


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