1885 Northwest Rebellion

please feel free to view this timeline at https://infograph.venngage.com/ps/ReYKPUGHna0/north-west-rebellion-timeline


I knew the information I gathered was reliable because I tried taking it from reliable sources and ran it through the Citation Machine. The medium I chose which was Venngage, was suggested by Mr. Basso. I also attempted to use PowerPoint, but it was too difficult. I think Venngage, was more geared towards my criteria. I was very satisfied with the results of my design. The templates in Venngage made it so easy to create. I will definitely use Venngage again. 

NorthWest Rebellion Timeline Citations 

Beal, Bob, and Rod Macleod. “North-West Rebellion.” North-West Rebellion | The Canadian Encyclopedia, 7 Feb. 2006, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/north-west-rebellion. Web. 12 Jan. 2020. 

Bonikowsky, Laura Neilson. “The Battle of Batoche and the North-West Rebellion.” The Battle of Batoche and the North-West Rebellion | The Canadian Encyclopedia, 8 May 2013, https://thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/battle-of-batoche-feature. Web. 12 Jan. 2020. 

Métis Bill of Rights, 2008, http://bclearningnetwork.com/LOR/media/fns12/COURSE_8730771_M/my_files/module2/section2/lesson2/topic5.html. Web. 12 Jan. 2020. 

Northwest Rebellion Timeline Video Citation 

Historica Canada. “Heritage Minutes: Louis Riel.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Mar. 2016,                             www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnr3gWgsdzQ&feature=youtu.be. Web. Jan. 13 2020.  

Northwest Rebellion Timeline Photo Citations 

Annis, Roger. “Final Statement of Louis Riel at His Trial in Regina, Saskatchewan, Friday, July 31, 1885.” A Socialist in Canada, 23 July 2013, http://rogerannis.com/final-statement-of-louis-riel-at-his-trial-in-regina-saskatchewan-friday-july-31-1885/. Web. 11 January 2020. 

Beal, Bob. “Steele Narrows Battle.” Steele Narrows Battle | The Canadian Encyclopedia, 4 Mar. 2015, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/steele-narrows-battle. Web. 11 January 2020.  

Belshaw, John Douglas. “Canadian History: Post-Confederation.” Canadian History PostConfederation, BCcampus, 17 May 2016, https://opentextbc.ca/postconfederation/chapter/2-8-louis-riel-after-1870/. Web. 11 Jan. 2020. 

Bumsted, J. M. “Red River Rebellion.” The Canadian Encyclopedia, 7 Feb. 2006, https://thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/red-river-rebellion. Web. 11 Jan. 2020.  

Torontoist. “Historicist: Toronto Troops in the Northwest Rebellion of 1885.” Torontoist, 13 July 2013, https://torontoist.com/2013/07/historicist-toronto-troops-in-the-north-west-rebellion-of-1885/. Web. 11 Jan. 2020. 

Wikipedia Contributors. “Battle of Batoche.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Jan. 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Batoche. Web. 11 Jan. 2020. 

Wikipedia Contributors. “Louis Riel.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Jan. 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Riel. Web. 11 Jan. 2020. 

Wikipedia Contributors. “Battle of Duck Lake.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Duck_Lake. Web. 11 Jan. 2020. 

industrial revolution project

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was I able to identify a problem with ease, yes I was able to identify a problem with ease. I was able to find the problem and solution by googling and searching through many sites. I didn’t use the backwards design, I just gathered all the information and went from there. Yes, I was very satisfied with the results of my design and the solution because I really like the designing element. How I would refine my assignment, I would do a better job of finding websites with better citing sources.

Winter Wonderland

Janine, Derek and I based our society on these 5 values: 

Education: Education is vital for humans, and it is something that everyone should get. In order to show that our society values education, we have schools in our city for the citizens to attend. 

Inclusiveness: Inclusiveness is important for people to socially interact with each other. We added recreation centers for our citizens to interact with each other to symbolize inclusiveness. 

Fair Government: A fair government is important for a society to function properly. To show that we value a fair government, we placed a city hall in the middle of our city so that it is accessible and convenient for the citizens to access.  

Safety: Safety is very important. Without safety, it would be a dangerous environment for people to live in. To symbolize safety, we put snowplow trucks to clear the roads of snow. 

Relaxation: Relaxation reduces stress and is good for your health. In order to show that we value relaxation, we have a park, a ramp for people to sled, ski, or snowboard on, and an igloo as a resting place. 

Revolution Timeline



For this assignment, I was able to identify the problem quite easily. I was able to find the problem and solution by googling and searching through the results, one by one. I kind of used the backwards design. I knew that I wanted to do a powerpoint, and as I researched, I looked for photos that I could use in my final product. I was very satisfied with the result of my design and the solutions. My favourite part was the design element of my powerpoint. I would refine my assignment by doing a better job of finding websites with better citing sources.