My Tribute Costume

A little bit about me…

My name is Laylia. I come from a very supportive family, that consists of my mom, my dad, my brother and me. Each person in my family plays a big role in my life. They each have helped make me who I am today. I get my kindness from my Dad. He is always putting others before himself. I get my courageousness from my mom. She is always willing to try new things and so am I. I get my playfulness from my brother, he is always clowning around, which I tend to do sometimes too!

I enjoy giving back and helping others when I can. I love to bake and share my treats with everyone around me. I like spending time with my family, whether we are going out doing things, or eating great meals together. We love to travel together and have fun making memories to last forever.

My Reflection:

I wanted my character to reflect myself. As much as we are supposed to be working on our own. I would want to try to help others, this is why I have wings. My plan would be to work with some of my friends. I would use these wings to my advantage to help move as many people as I could to the Cornucopia. We would gather as many items as we could and go find a hideout to plan our attack. As I made this character, I thought about what other items I could use as part of my costume that would double as something else. The headband is something I could use to wrap injuries. It could help stop bleeding and provide support for broken bones. My shoulder pads could also work as knee pads, should I need to crawl through things. My wrist bands could also be used as weapons when attacked up close. My belt can be used as a whip to hit anyone running towards me. The holsters are in hopes that I, because of my wings, get to the Cornucopia first to be able to grab any o the weapons available. And my shoes are comfy and that’s very important to me because if my feet are not comfortable, I will be cranky!

I enjoyed the fact that my character is tough but doesn’t look like a guy. Next time I would hope to be able to wear boots, but they were unavailable.

I learned that sometimes I need to step out of my comfort zone. I would have loved to be able to create a nice girl and give her cat eyeliner and red lipstick to make her girly, but what I realized was those aspects were not important to the character. I needed a character who was strong and didn’t care about makeup. Someone would kick butt when needed and I think she can do that!!