Law- Deserted Island

About the Activity

In this activity were given a scenario where the class was stranded on a deserted island. Were asked to come up with a legal code including punishments, a system of enforcement, and some form of government. Then we were asked to compare our code with the other legal systems and codes.

Core Competency Reflection

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. I did this while I was writing the legal code to compare it to past legal codes as well as re-writing the laws so that there was no contradiction.

I can understand how my values shape my choices. I noticed that the values and morals I had, greatly shaped the laws I implemented into my legal code.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I was able to come up with my own government system and who holds the power. I was able to look at other legal codes and take inspiration from them.


I can participate in activities that support my well-being and take responsibility for my well-being.

I need to make more time for activities that support my mental and physical well-being. I have been preoccupied with schoolwork so I would like to have time for more leisure activities as well as having time to eat healthier and exercise. I will do this by managing my time better.


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