Calculus Reflection

This is an example of one of the several problems I have completed with my group. We share our ideas on how to tackle hard problems and explain our thinking to one another. If one of us understood the assignment better than the others, they would explain it to the rest of the group, so all of us could advance. I was able to collaborate well with my peers. An area of development could be to get everyone more involved in the discussions. But other than that, I engaged well and it helped me learn a lot when you have someone to bounce your attempts and errors off of.

Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self-Assessment 

Curricular Response

Explain how you chose one image and one quotation to create or support the meaning represented in your map assignment. 

I chose the peace sign because the song “this land is your land” seemed like a cry for peace. The line “Forget a treaty, I still call them crooks” Shows the meaning behind the ‘treaty’ indigenous people made with the colonizers, basically exploiting them and their land. It wasn’t fair what the colonizers did to the indigenous land and life and it has made permanent damage on their culture.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

As this assignment was in some ways different from a “typical” assignment for English class, discuss what challenges you faced completing the assignment and how you overcame them. 

This assignment was interesting to do but a bit challenging to grasp a hold of. I was confused as to what I needed to connect to each other but once I figured that out I don’t think I struggled too much. A few of the images and quotes were hard to extract fromthr songs because you really had to look between the lines for them and turn on my ‘Critical and analytical thinking’

Precalculus 12 Critical Thinking & Collaboration Self‐Assessment


Self Assessment

I was able to collaborate with my group members to come up with an attempted proof as to why the Product Rule used in logarithms was accurate. We did not find a way to prove it properly but this approach allowed me to get a better understanding of how the laws work. I was able to listen and see my group member’s thoughts and this allowed me to think of more ideas. Our thoughts integrated with each other and this allowed for all of us to expand on our ideas and write them out.