Separation Agreement

Scenario #1

About the Project

In this project, I was paired with one of my peers and given the scenario above. I was partner number 2. We then had to come up with an agreement about our shared property and custody of the children. We spent a few classes calculating the cost of the mortgage, cars, and child support. Finally, we came up with an official agreement using a template online.

Core Compenteny

I can work with others to achieve a goal. I did this buy being considerate and conversing with my partner to make sure we both achieved our goal.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. i did this by searching up laws andsttempting to make a fair judgment with my partner.

I can advocate for myself. I did this by making sure I spoke up about my needs for the project and for my scenario. Trying to get the best deal possible.

Curricular Competency Reflection

This project made me think about how it is important to have different aspects of a project. To look deeper into aspects as well. this project had a lot of analyzation and discussion in it and I did not realize that until I looked at the “I can…” statements.

Law- Deserted Island

About the Activity

In this activity were given a scenario where the class was stranded on a deserted island. Were asked to come up with a legal code including punishments, a system of enforcement, and some form of government. Then we were asked to compare our code with the other legal systems and codes.

Core Competency Reflection

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. I did this while I was writing the legal code to compare it to past legal codes as well as re-writing the laws so that there was no contradiction.

I can understand how my values shape my choices. I noticed that the values and morals I had, greatly shaped the laws I implemented into my legal code.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I was able to come up with my own government system and who holds the power. I was able to look at other legal codes and take inspiration from them.


I can participate in activities that support my well-being and take responsibility for my well-being.

I need to make more time for activities that support my mental and physical well-being. I have been preoccupied with schoolwork so I would like to have time for more leisure activities as well as having time to eat healthier and exercise. I will do this by managing my time better.

Law Debates

About the Project

In this debate, my group was given the topic of polygamy, on the con side of it. We were expected to come up with a script with extensive research to use. then debate against the opposing side.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I can tell the difference between facts and opinions. I was able to do this by integrating the facts and opinions into my debate as well as using whichever was the best fit.
  2. I can work to inform myself about issues surrounding me. I did this by researching the topic of polygamy and finding out why it was bad. I looked at the legal aspects, as well as moral perspectives.
  3. I can take action to support diversity and defend human rights. I looked qt all the human rights and how polygamy does not infringe them. I took religions into play as well and respected different ethics.
  4. I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them. In a debate, it is important to see the views of the opposing side and consider their opinions.
  5. I can reflect on my thinking. A goal of mine is to better reflect on my thoughts and be able to thoroughly explain my thinking.

Curricular Competency Reflection

I was able to respect all sides of an argument. I did this by listening to what all views had to say and putting myself in their shoes to see that aspect of something. I believe that polygamy should be illegal but those who believe in polygamy and that should be legal, will still be treated the same, and should be.