My Digital Footprint

Once I have searched up my name on google, I was able to find four things that surprised me. The school I am currently attending (centennial) posted in the form of the Centennial Today Announcements. This truly surprised me because it was scary to me that you can find out the school, I go to just by searching up my name. I also found my club volleyball site (Ducks Volleyball) using my name as a team roster. This made sense because they do this for every team, I knew about this link beforehand. The two final things that kind of scared me were a photo of me and my team from 4 years ago. This was also shocking because it was long ago and I’ve almost forgot about that photo until I searched my name. And the final thing that shocked me was that a volleyball BC poster showed up on images. This was startling because I couldn’t believe that just by searching up my name you could find the province, I lived in as well.  

Even though I found a few of those things about me online, I did not, in fact find anything that could affect my reputation. If anything, it could only benefit. I feel like I have a quite solid grasp and control of my online identity. I have a positive online presence. I also don’t use my full name for social media accounts, even though even on those platforms, I still act like a responsible, online citizen. If an employer decided to search my name up on the internet, they would find nothing negative and only those few positive things would show up. I am very proud of this online presents that I hold.  

If I were to pass down information to fellow peers, it would be to be smart online about everything you post, say, comment, tweet, or whatever it may be. Because its simple for one screen shot to be taken and for it to ruin your reputation. Online most often means permanent.