Some things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include…
I believe in prioritizing health, as when you consistently take care of yourself, happiness and fulfilment will follow. I do many things to take care of my health, some activities include: exercise, reading, balance in the food I eat, spending time with friends and family, getting sleep and sunlight, and more. I also like to take lots of time away from technology, and to try and not do things that stress me out, such as these edublogs.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…
I know when I need to take breaks from working or when I need to rest. I also know when I need to take more time to do things that make me happy. When things get busy, I can step back and talk about things with my friends, play a game I like, take a relaxing bath, or get some sleep if I feel like I am needing some. By doing these things I can get back to doing what I need to do.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are…
A few things I enjoy doing are playing the piano, playing basketball, drawing/painting, and swimming. These are all things I have done for years, and practiced and developed my abilities in. I would love to further develop my skills at these things and continue to practice in the future.