Communication Core Competency
“I work with others to achieve a goal.”
For this assignment, me and my group had to create a survey asking other students the best possible questions to collect data for our hypothesis. We were all communicating with each other, (suggesting things and asking each other questions), and everyone’s ideas made it into the survey. It was a group effort and together we completed the assignment.
Personal/Social Core Competency
“I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour.”
While working in this group, I was always actively listening to my partners when they were speaking. I respected all of their ideas and contributions. I did my part in the project and was grateful for the work they did as well.
Thinking Core Competency
“I can analyze evidence to make judgements.”
A large part of this project was the reflection was examining the responses we got. We calculated the mean, mode, median, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient of the survey results. I was able to look at this data and determine what we found out, and how it compared to our hypothesis.