B.C. First Peoples Reflection

“What has changed in terms of your perspective with First Nations people? What has led to this change?”

Throughout the course of this semester, I have learned about the many First Nations within British Columbia and their beliefs, ceremonies, stories, games, resource management, community roles, and much more. I’ve learned further about the Residential schools, how First Nations communities used to live before the settlers arrived, the relationships between First Nations people and traders during the Fur Trade, and the history of reserves and treaties. Through projects, assignments, journal entries, a novel study, guest speakers, and field trips, I have developed a much deeper understanding and perspective of both the history of First Peoples and how they currently live and operate in Canada. I’ve demonstrated multiple of the Core Competencies. Social Awareness and Responsibility is about working towards understanding the value of diversity and working with others to find solutions to benefit everyone in the community. Positive Personal and Cultural Identity is about building relationships with others and sharing your strengths and values. Personal Awareness and Responsibility is about understanding your own health, work habits, and how you fit into your community.


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