Life Saving Measures

I learned many things from the presentations on CPR, Naloxone, and substances. Some key takeaways were: Naloxone is a drug that can temporarily reverse opioid overdose, and it can be administered multiple times without causing any harm. Also, if someone is in cardiac arrest, you should perform CPR after calling 911 without being worried of being liable for damages to the body because you are protected under the Good Samaritan Act. The Good Samaritan Act will also protect you from being charged with possession of drugs if you call 911 at the scene of an overdose, so you should always call 911 to save the person’s life. These sessions may have a large impact on my life, because anybody can witness cardiac arrest and overdose in any situation. It is important to know how to take action in an emergency because lives can be saved.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

“I can analyze evidence to make judgements.”

I can analyze the evidence about life saving procedures/measures from these presentations to make judgements on how to act in the future. If an emergency occurs near me, I should be well equipped to take appropriate action on how to best help the person experiencing a crisis.


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