Core Competencies: CLE 10

I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback. 

When creating my resume, I went over it multiple times with my teacher before the final copy was made and handed in. We discussed formatting, wording, and a bunch of ways to improve it overall. I made many changes to it after getting feedback, which led to the final product. The resume now looks neat, professional, and the information is concise and useful.  

Who I Am Presentation

I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. 

When creating this “Who I Am” presentation to share with the class, my main goal was to make it interesting and fun for the audience, my classmates. I used a variety of different ways of showing information, including using images to enhance my ideas. I included lots of text in my PowerPoint but didn’t read it verbatim; I summarized my key points. I read it in a natural and confident voice and answered my peers’ questions at the end. 

Podcast Review Poster

I can describe how some specific choices can affect my well-being and participate in activities that support my well-being. 

For this assignment, we had to listen to and review a podcast related to the goal we set. Since my goal was to get up earlier/get to school on time, I chose a podcast about sleeping and how to relax at night. This benefitted me because it not only helped the goal I set for an assignment, but it actually helped with my health. 


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