Social Studies 10 Reflection

Demography Project

Socials Reflection

I used Personal and Social core competencies when creating this presentation on Italy’s population and developments by researching Italy’s culture, being aware of their country’s differences and similarities to Canada, and using my social responsibility to recommend steps they take in the future to decrease two of their main issues.

Core Competencies: CLE 10

I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback. 

When creating my resume, I went over it multiple times with my teacher before the final copy was made and handed in. We discussed formatting, wording, and a bunch of ways to improve it overall. I made many changes to it after getting feedback, which led to the final product. The resume now looks neat, professional, and the information is concise and useful.  

Who I Am Presentation

I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. 

When creating this “Who I Am” presentation to share with the class, my main goal was to make it interesting and fun for the audience, my classmates. I used a variety of different ways of showing information, including using images to enhance my ideas. I included lots of text in my PowerPoint but didn’t read it verbatim; I summarized my key points. I read it in a natural and confident voice and answered my peers’ questions at the end. 

Podcast Review Poster

I can describe how some specific choices can affect my well-being and participate in activities that support my well-being. 

For this assignment, we had to listen to and review a podcast related to the goal we set. Since my goal was to get up earlier/get to school on time, I chose a podcast about sleeping and how to relax at night. This benefitted me because it not only helped the goal I set for an assignment, but it actually helped with my health. 

Math Self Assessment

“What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?”

My strength in group work is that I can be both a listener and a leader. I always listen to my group members, watch when they’re solving questions, and ask questions when there’s things I don’t understand or am not sure about. When I am doing questions, I explain my steps as I’m doing them and make sure that my group members understand what I’m doing. I also answer any questions they have.

“What does it mean to be disciplined in math? How do you show you are disciplined in this course?”

To me, being disciplined is being consistent. Showing up to class every day prepared to learn, and doing the homework daily after school is how I can understand all the concepts. I also take the self-initiative to do extra homework questions in the book when I’m not confident in that topic yet and to refer back to the notes posted on teams when I need to.

Core Competency Self Assessment

Critical Thinking

My Artifact: Novel Poster

“I can tell the difference between facts and interpretations, opinions, and judgments”

I can tell the difference between those three things when reading a book. I also understand that what I wrote about the book is my own interpretation, and not necessarily the “right” or “wrong” way of understanding it. I made sure to include actual facts, such as direct quotes from the book, and I also have opinions on what I believe were the three major themes and created some images that represented them to me.

CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR

CPR Reflection

A: Something that I learned was how to properly perform CPR. I knew about chest compressions before, but know I actually know the amount of pressure and speed needed, as well as the ratio of the number of compressions to the number of chin tilt breaths.

B: A key takeaway of this unit for me is that everybody should have a knowledge of CPR to help save as many lives as we can.

C: This unit connects to our previous nutrition unit because they both concern health. There’s also things to do with nutrition that can lead to higher or lower chances of going into cardiac arrest.

Core Competency Reflection

“In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by… “

I do this by asking lots of questions with my fellow classmates to make sure I am on the same page as everyone else. I also answer other people’s questions when I can.

“One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was… “

I would have to say that the entire unit stimulated my thinking about just how important it is to be trained should the moment arrive where someones life is in crisis.

“In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished …. By ….”

I am proud of my mark on the written test. I felt a lot more confident when doing the assessment of actually performing CPR on a doll and using an AED, but luckily the test went well and I was able to remember almost all of the technical information.

Spanish Dialogue Test Review

My Reflection

Collaborating: I collaborated with my three other group members to create this script. We were constantly bouncing ideas off of each other, listening to each others suggestions, and working as a group to get this done.

Creative Thinking: I had to think of creative ways to integrate the requirements of the assignment into a naturally flowing script. Using the required number of the different things we’ve learned, I had to tie them all together and make sure that the conversation made sense and included everything needed.

Communication: Like I said above, we communicated a lot when writing this assignment. We made sure to have everybody’s voice heard and use a combination of all of our different ideas.

Critical and Reflective Thinking: I was proud when reflecting on our mark for this assignment and made sure to congratulate my partners.

Favourite recipe

Scones + Berry Sauce

Making and Sharing Reflection

“Identify and use appropriate tools, technologies, materials, and processes for production”

It is very important when cooking to know all of your ingredients, equipment, and techniques needed. Whenever I am not sure what something is/means, I will first check my recipe to see if it is explained there. If I am still not sure, I’ll ask one of my other group members. On the occasion that no one in my group knows it, I will then go and ask the teacher. Asking questions is a crucial part of learning.

“Decide on how and with whom to share prepared food product”

As much as I love eating the food I make, I especially love sharing it with people I care about. However, this all depends on what exactly I make. Often, we will cook or bake something that is just for ourselves or to split with our partner, which we will eat in class. These have been things like Eggs/Omelets, Breakfast Hash, French Toast Créme Brûlée, or a Grilled Cheese Sandwich. But when we make multiple things such as Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Scones, Lemon Blueberry Muffins, Pancakes, Montreal Bagels, Brownies, and Sugar Cookies, I get to eat some and still have others of the product to give to somebody else. My priority when we make things like this is to save some for my parents. If there’s more than enough for them to both try one, then I’ll give some to one of my friends! I can also bring home leftovers of certain dishes like Tomato soup for my family.

Core Competency Reflection

“The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at ____ (soccer/ work/ hockey/ piano lessons/ family events/etc) in these ways:”

Communicating in the kitchen takes lots of patience, understanding, determination, and willing to compromise. I communicate quite differently there than when at my basketball practices and piano lessons, for example. Basketball and cooking with others both need similar communication styles, as in both you are working with others to achieve a common goal. With cooking and Piano, things are less full-body than basketball (most of the time) and you are essentially translating written work into real life art (sheet music into music, recipes into food). I would say that lab test days and individual recipes are more similar to my thought processes and amount of communicating when in piano, and recipes with partners are more similar to when I play basketball. However, in all three you need quick thinking, passion, devotion, logical thinking, and some form of communication.

“When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I…”

There are lots and lots of opportunities where you will need to work with people you don’t know well. I find the best way to do this is to get to know each other first! Talking with each other, breaking the ice, and learning about the others makes working together so much easier than if you were to jump straight into it. I really enjoy the level of collaboration used in this class and completing any tasks in life are less stressful when you can rely on someone else for certain things, even if it’s just someone to talk to.

“One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to…”

The way I make sure that everyone is on the same page is to talk with each other before we actually begin to cook. We are always given a few minutes to discuss our plan with our partner before going and grabbing our ingredients, which I appreciate.

“Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…”

My goal is to improve on communicating clearly and purposefully more often, since I sometimes choose to just not say anything. To achieve this goal, I will remember that this is my goal and keep it in the back of my mind. Then, the next time there’s an opportunity for my to speak up in a way that may be helpful, I will.

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