A Spanish Conversation

Thinking Core Competency.

“I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.”

I had to come up with lots of my own ideas for how to use the required elements of the conversation, have proper grammar in Spanish, and to make the conversation flow and sound good. But, a lot of my work was acknowledging and building on the ideas of my partners. The entire thing was a very collaborative effort and we were constantly bouncing ideas off of each other and using each others thoughts.

“I can reflect on my thinking.”

By being forced to do this edublog, I am reflecting on my thinking. Using these core competencies, I can explain my process when doing the conversation assignment.

“I can tell the difference between facts and opinions.”

I am able to tell when there is a difference in opinion, and when something is actually wrong. A lot of the times, me and my partners had different thoughts so we had to compromise. However, some times one of us would make a little mistake in spelling or something and that was something that we had to correct in a polite and respectful manner.

More Competencies.

“I work with others to achieve a goal.”

As said earlier, this project was a very collaborative effort and we made sure to work together throughout all stages of work. We were communicating a lot and we were very happy with the end product.

“I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them.”

I don’t know how my emotions relate to this project but yes I can acknowledge my emotions and deal with them in a healthy way, in and out of the school workplace.

“I find it easy to be part of a group”

I enjoyed working with my partners in this project. We all got along very well and we worked really well together.

“I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.”

My partners and I were asking each other lots of questions during the whole process. I was taking into account everybody’s thoughts and the end result is a combination of our collaboration and a group effort.


“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.

That is a goal that I have to work on as an “I CAN” statement. I will achieve that goal by showing a sense of joy after working hard and being more proud of my work.

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