Digital footprint project

When I searched myself up nothing came up because almost all of my social media is private. my digital footprint is probably nothing because when I searched myself up nothing came up because there are probably a lot of people with the same name as me. my footprint probably shows people that I am a chill person who like football and snowboarding. my footprint shows that I cautiously share my information about my life because I don’t share everything to my social media. my social media will show my future kids that I was a good child and liked to have fun and hopefully they take that and do the same as I did. also in the future my friendly footprint and profile will help me gain friends and show that I am a good person. my footprint will help me in a positive way with my post secondary applications because it will show the schools that I am a good hardworking non troubled kid they can trust let me enroll and be a good asset in their school.