Life Saving Measures

During these past 2 presentations I learned a few new things. I learned how to properly inject naloxone into someone that is overdosing on opioids. naloxone has less side effects than Narcan, its good they are finding better alternatives for bringing people back without long term damage. people who have higher tolerance to drugs will need more injections of naloxone for it to fight the drugs and get the person breathing again. if the person isn’t breathing you should start applying cpr to the person until first responders to show up. cpr is one of the best skills everyone should learn, you could have a relative in need of it and you could save their life.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them:

when I am in a conflict with someone that seems a little unhinged. If they are trying to escalate the situation because there beliefs are different than mine. I wont let the person rile me up I will just agree with them and walk away so nothing worse happens.