5.2 Euler’s Number + Natural Logs

Here we will be exploring how to derive Eulers number (e≈ 2.718281828459045…) and natural logs (logs with the base e, “ln” you may have seen this in previous problems). Very important to know how to derive these so that you can ANTI-derive in future integral problems applying “e”. What is Eulers Number? Derivative of “e”…

5.1 – Exponents and logarithms

Recall exponent rules and logarithmic properties from Pre-Calculus and Foundations of Math! These skills will aid you in future integration using natural logs and exponents with chain rule, certain rational functions and differentiation. Here are some videos to jog your memory: Log Properties (vc: Organic Chem Tutor) Exponent Rules (vc: Organic Chem Tutor) Online Notes…